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Anchor 1

"change involves carrying out an activity against the habit of life"
F.m. Alexander

Meet Amelia
רייקי מסורתי

Traditional Reiki
Usui Shiki Rioho


Reiki is a method of natural healing with the help of the hands. It came from Japan and was discovered and developed by the Japanese Mikao Sui, and was later brought to the Western world by Hawaya Taketa.
It is simple and very practical, and any person can learn it or receive a treatment . During the treatment the person is healed in the physical, spiritual and mental levels, and he receives what needs the most in that moment.

The first time I realized how much Reiki is helpful and effective was about 10 years ago
I was in a difficult time in my life, i felt full of inner fears and anxieties about the future, I felt disconnected from my feelings - it was hard for me to understand myself. A good friend offered to help me with a Reiki treatment.
I did not immediately feel an effect. But one day, on a particularly difficult day, when I just felt like I couldn't find hope in my heart... I came to him for treatment and something happened. It was very soothing, and soft, and the hectic thoughts began to settle. We sat after the treatment and I felt like the world stopped. i felt inside that things might work out ok. Finnaly i could calm down for a moment and think clearly. I began to understand what I was feeling and more and more i had power to deal with everything inside. the thoughts, the fears and the rest.

  10 years have passed since then, during these years I learned Reiki myself, and now I am also a master of the method. From taking care of the inside, the outside began to blossom, and expressing what was happening to me inside became possible not only to myself, but also with others. And connecting to myself became possible, available and continues to intensify. And now I want to help others..everyone can get what they need from Reiki treatment. it's a kind of miracle, that we can get a lot of good from it!




Suntouch(or "deeptouch") is an energetic and powerful healing method, which renews physical, mental and spiritual vitality, has a quick effect and is therefore suitable for the busy modern person.
Works on healing muscle pain, joints tension, bring back energy flow in the body and joy of life, effective when you are depressed,  in lack of motivation or lack of energy.
it is a rather young method, Developed and  inspired by various methods such as hatha yoga, martial arts and Gurdjieff movements, by master Anand.
Its strength derives from the level of attention that the therapist directs to a certain area of the patient's body, then triggering a healing process that continues after the treatment.


Common questions
-Do you have to believe in the treatment for it to happen?
You don't have to believe in Reiki, ot even believe in energies. Reiki will work either way and even with very non spiritual people.
-Can Reiki harm in any way?
Reiki (when it is traditional and performed according to the original tradition and recipe), can do no harm. It is a natural healing methode and the person receives from the treatment what he needs most at that time, mentally, physiqually or spiritually.
-Is it possible to sleep during the treatment?
You can definitely sleep, and you can also stay awake. It is recommended to try and calm your mind, but there is no need to stop thinking. often the treatment causes relaxation in which the body rests and heals.

Does the treatment have side effects?

How soon will I feel improvement?



Alexander technique


The Alexander method is based on the work of habits. Starting from our childhood, many of us have acquired habits that are harmful to the general functioning of our body. Sometimes, the way we use our body in our daily life can harm its function and cause our performance in general be less optimal.
An alexander class is one on one, the teacher has two general tools: guided speech, and guided touch. through those he is helping you to  see what are the less desired habits we have, and teaches - or reminds us again of the best way to use our bodies, using the princple and the means were by discovered by alexander. 
The method can help you if you suffer from repeated muscle pain, want to restore harmony in your body and maximies your potential in every day activities and movement.

Very recommended for dancers, musicians, and everyone who uses their body in an elevated way.

The inventor of the method - P.M. Alexander

Born in 1869, died in 1955 at the age of 86.
Alexander was born in Australia, where he also started his professional journey.
In 1914 he arrived in London, where he formulated and published the method.

In his youth he studied theater and had a great love for reciting Shakespearean plays.

 He discovered that, in fact, the way he held his head while reciting the texts meant that pressure was actually created on the spine and the voice box. these conditions created chronic hoarseness and caused hi, losing his voice frequently which almost led ending his beloved career.
. And so it happened that he began to patiently research for many hours while observing in front of mirrors, the movements he was making and the habits that came while he was reciting., Like little movements of throwing his head back. He continued to research and experiment until he developed his methode. by which it is possible to observe these habits, to return to a better uses of our body. He based that on a deep understanding of the dynamics between the head and the neck, and how it affects the general functioning of the body.

Anchor 2

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